

Deathwing Terminator - Sergeant

Deathwing terminators are one of the cheapest terminators you can buy. Mostly due to the fact that they come with the starter set and many people want to get rid of them (if they're collecting chaos armies). Since I like terminators and already have 3 squads of them (1 regular, two from Space Hulk board game) I figured they would fit perfectly with my existing models, while providing some visual diversity. Also they would allow me to try some painting schemes different to what I usually have for my Onyx Knights Space Marines.

Since they are Dark Angels unit they're look is not as generic as a typical terminator marine. They have many chapter specific addons like wings, scrolls, censers, etc.

The first model from this unit is the squad leader. I had to make a little conversion here due to the fact that his power sword suffered in transport. I had a quick look through my bits box and came out with a power claw. It's not a standard weapon for a Deathwing sarge, but I think it looks nice on the finished mini.

7 komentarzy:

  1. Kawał dobrej roboty Maniex z tym imperialnym brutalem. Prezentuje się fajnie.

  2. Fajny. A po naszemu tekstu nie będzie?

    1. Polską wersję dzisiejszego posta ukradł potwór zwany leniwcem ;-) Ten sam który wcześniej podpierniczał angielskie teksty ;-)

    2. Żądamy wersji PL, albo wprowadzimy strajk, bojkot, okopiemy się, wywiesimy białą flagę, ogłosimy abdykację i upadłość :P

  3. In english only? ok... so beatiful Marine! IMO one of the best. I love armour- colours are great! :) Serio, kawał wspaniałej roboty! Jakieś diaboliczne imię by się przydało:)
